Wednesday, March 10, 2010

the latest deed

Fashion Photography... the latest photoshoot of mine... thanks to the college assignment, we were given the task of clicking animate and inanimate objects under studio lighting... one of the best experiences of my life... lets discuss the basics first... inanimate objects can be any non-living object on this earth and of course, model as in portrait photographs of human beings...

When I decided to shoot, I finalized on a paricular theme for my photographs which will show moods and expressions through lighting and composition...
The best moments are those in all the shoots is when you know your friends can't behave like models and give poses, they surprise you and rarely shocks you with their fantastic expressions...

Like this pic, this guy is famous as "one expressionless person" on campus; and guess what, I chose him as my model... why ? coz he's too good in basketball and "playful" was my theme... I knew he'll rock... the first few photos were like this... not even funny... but then I got 'the' expressions because I gave him situations and he reacted to them... the shutter went on clicking, and I got my final pic...
Then came my favourite model, who plays music and throughout the shoot she kept on playing on her own and din even had to pose for me coz it came naturally... few were funny and few were "the" ones that I am proud of !
My still picture costed me some 25 bucks and some 12 minutes... thrice i had to change the liquid bcause the color was not flowing in the liquid the way I wanted it to flow ! Finally, it accepted my request and as it says, " intezaar ka fal meetha hota hai ", it came as a nice pic ! See it yourself.
Got new offers to shoot a few more people's portfolio and I promise, mistakes won't be repeated then...

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