after for about 5 long years, I felt like I was sitting in a school classroom today..
the feeling was kinda irritating but very enjoyable..
so.. why irritating?
well, the prof went on dictating, at every point, what to do and what not to do.. the endless list of do's and don'ts..
instructions like - look into your own copy, write 30 answers in 15 minutes, raise your hand up straight if you wish to answer, took me back to school..
on the other hand, it was thoroughly enjoyable.. we were listening to him without making a single sound audible to human eardrum..
we were given exercises on nouns, pronouns, verbs, etc.. but it was such a relief for me as solving them is so easy now unlike it was in class 3..
the best part was identifying slang and vogue words..
I had no idea that words like slug, timeline, dateline, bottom line, guys, streamers can fall under the category of slangs..
It was all the more fun as before the class ended, he actually made us give a test saying that "attending Mr. *****'s class is not a game"..
Just like the Vicky of Small Wonder or the Tia of Remix, he says anything and everything about himself taking his own name..
any answer you say will be definitely wrong but he will still say "Good"..
Good does not mean you're correct but it means that he appreciates the initiative and the thought behind your answer..
the three things that you will have to have in his class - attention, interest and discipline..
he speaks like an army-man.. he uses words those are well-selected and hardly any that are wasted..
but nothing can beat the best that I ever heard from him..
"Mr ***** has a photographic memory.. Mr ***** will remember you even after 15 years as his eyes will click click click while panning and looking at all your faces.."
at the end of it, all that he will say is,
"I thoroughly enjoyed this session with you and I hope you did too.."
and this is what makes him loved by all.. his encouragement to the students and engagement with the subject..
such is his presence that even learning something like Style Sheet becomes so grand..
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